Cooperative: To get to know about NCUI, read this article.

New Delhi. Do you know about NCUI? If no, read this article to get the answers to all of your questions about NCUI.

What is meant by NCUI?

The National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) is an apex Cooperative organization representing the entire Indian Cooperative Movement established in 1929.

What is the role of NCUI?

To promote and develop the co-operative movement in India; to educate, guide and assist the people in their efforts; to build up and expand the co-operative sector; and service as an exponent of co-operative opinion in accordance with co-operative principles.

Who is the present chairman of National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI)?

Sivadasan Nair, Chairman who represents the Federation in NCUI is a member of its Governing Council.

What is Cooperative, What is National Cooperative, What is National Coopertive Society, NCUI, Cooperative Minister Amit Shah

Who is the present president of National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI)?

Mr. Dileep Sanghani is the current president of NCUI

How many members are in the Governing Council of Ncui?

NCUI’s Governing Council has 21 members including a government nominee and the Chief Executive.

Who is the executive director of NCUI?

Nagotu Satyanarayana is the executive director of NCUI.

Where is National Cooperative Union of India located?

National Cooperative Union of India’s headquarters are located at New Delhi, Delhi, India

What is National Cooperative Union of India’s official website?

National Cooperative Union of India’s official website is

What are the objectives of NCUI?

  1. Expresses opinion on matters of cooperative policy and acts as the accredited representative of the Indian Cooperative Movement in the national and international spheres;
  2. Organizes cooperative education and training programmes and popularizes the principles and Practices of cooperation
  3. Organizes, conducts, collaborates and assists in carrying out research and analysis of cooperative Problems and formulation of projects for cooperative development
  4. Arranges for the production and publication of literature and audiovisuals aids including films, Filmstrips on cooperation and allied subjects
  5. Lends publicity to the activities of cooperatives through periodicals, journals, newspapers, Pamphlets, brochures, books, films, broadcasts, T.V. for creating favorable opinion for the Development of the cooperative movement
  6. Convenes and holds the National Cooperative Congress, Zonal Conferences, Cooperative Seminars, Meetings, Conferences, Exhibitions etc.;
  7. Select delegates, representatives and observers on behalf of the union for participation in International, National and State Conferences.
  8. Promotes international cooperative institutions and assists member society’s problems and Difficulties and formulation of programmes and their implementation while preserving and Safeguarding the democratic character of the cooperative movement in the country.
  9. Promotes international cooperative relations through active collaboration with ICA, UNO, FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO and other international agencies involved in cooperative development.
  10. Promotes international marketing on cooperative to cooperative basis by documenting necessary For the benefit of Indian Cooperative Movement information and acts as nodal agency.
  11. Provides consultancy services to the cooperatives.

How does the NCUI function?

The working of NCUI reflects the democratic yearning of the cooperators and the cooperative Institutions involved in cooperative development. The membership of NCUI is broad based Comprising of cooperative institutions at national level, state level and multi-societies representing all sectors of the Indian cooperative movement.

At present, there are 242 institutions which are members of NCUI. The supreme authority of NCUI vests with its General Body which meets once a year to decide the policy and programmes for cooperative development and also elects the Governing Council of NCUI once for a period of five years.

Governing Council meets once in every quarter and Functions the through the Executive Committee and other functional committees.

The President is the head of the organization and is supported by the Chief Executive who operates through various functional divisions of the NCUI Secretariat.

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